PipeNet, Pipelining in .Net

Ali Alp
Published in
Apr 7, 2021


Simplifying a complex logic with the Chain of responsibility and builder patterns

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OrderData result= await new Pipe<OrderData>()
.Next(new OrderNode())
.Next(new ProducingNode())
.Finally(new CheckoutNode())
.Execute(new OrderData()
Name = "Coffee"

Node 1 in the pipe

public class OrderNode : Node<OrderData>
public override async Task<OrderData> Execute(OrderData param)
// Node 1's logic
return await base.Execute(param);

Node 2 in the pipe

public class ProducingNode : Node<OrderData>
public override async Task<OrderData> Execute(OrderData param)
// Node 2's logic
return await base.Execute(param);

Node 3 in the pipe

public class CheckoutNode : Node<OrderData>
public override async Task<OrderData> Execute(OrderData param)
// Node 3's logic
return await base.Execute(param);

Benchmark Summary

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Happy coding :)



Ali Alp

“Take it easy” is nonsense , take it as hard as you can and don’t let it go :)